Thursday | 21/10/2021 | 10:00 | Cinematheque - Hall 1
Between war and peace, between a pandemic and the air raid sirens, between reality and a dream, between heaven and hell, third-and fourth-year students from all courses, create films from the south about the south, as part of the creative theoretical project "Minutes South."
This is the 20th anniversary of this project, overseen with love and wisdom by the wonderful Dr. Daphne Sering, who retired this year, and therefore this year's festivities are twofold.
Hosted by: Dr. Daphne Sering and Rani Blair
סמן ביומן
2021-10-21 10:00:00
2021-10-21 12:00:00
דקה דרום ע"ש רות פרחי
סינמטק - אולם 1
Sapir College