לוגו המכללה האקדמית ספיר
לוגו אוניברסיטת בר אילן

Sapir College in Collaboration with Bar-Ilan University

9:30 - Registration and Welcome Reception

10:00 - Opening Remarks

10:15 - 11:45 - Money, Influence & New Radio
Chair, Ella Ben Atar, Communications Department, Sapir College

  • Podcasts: A Marketing Tool In Brand Creation
    Noam Feinholtz, presenter of the podcast “Making a Story Out of It” and business storyteller
  • On Radio With Kalchkin: Non-Profit Podcast
    Ariel Kalchkin, podcaster and presenter of the podcast “On Radio with Kalchkin”
  • Radio FM From Then And……
    Alon Steinfeld, CEO  "Shappa" RPS  (Regional Publication Services), Regional Radio
  • Screenless Moments - Advertising in Streaming and Podcasts
  • Dror Granot, CEO ADIO, business partner with Spotify, Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation KAN Podcasts and leading Israeli podcasts

11:45 - 12:30 - Lunch Break

12:30 - 14:00 - Radio as a Rehabilitation Tool—Prisoners’ Radio
Chair, Tomer Einat, Department of Criminology, Bar-Ilan University

  • Radio Focus: Inside the Prison Walls - Why & How Radio Impacts Inmates Who Tune In
    Maayan Beeri Nagar, Criminology Department, Ariel University
  • Voices Behind Bars: Rehabilitation Processes Among Radio Broadcasters Serving Time
    Irit Adamchuk, Criminology Department, Bar-Ilan University, and the Criminology Department, Ashkelon Academic College
  • The Big Picture - The Wonder When You Turn Up the Volume
    Karine Obadia, social entrepreneur, founder of Radio Focus
  • Content and Radio Schedules Behind Bars
    Tal Schmidt, former director of Radio Focus

14:15 - 15:45 - Radio and Community
Chair, Moti Gigi, Communications Department, Sapir College

  • Communication That Creates Change, The Power Of Broadcasting To Change Reality
    Keren Neubach, journalist and presenter of “Seder Yom” (Daily Agenda) Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation KAN
  • On The Whole Scale—Between National & Regional
    Shimon Elkabetz, former commander of the IDF radio station Galei Tzahal; Director, Kol Israel; CEO of the Rapid Group
  • Talking About It—Conversations With Listeners From The Community
    Uri Binder, journalist and author, vice-chairman of the Journalists’ Association in Tel Aviv, member of the Press Council’s Plenum

15:45 - 16:15 - Coffee Break

16:15 - 17:30 - Broadcasters Under Fire:
Chair, Yuval Gozansky, Head Communications Department, Sapir College

  • Media’s Contribution To Community Resilience In Emergency Situations
    Ella Ben-Atar, Communications Department, Sapir College
  • Shooting & Broadcasting
    Yishai Porat, News 13
  • Journalistic Ethics On The Edge: Violations, Compromises, Mistakes & Omissions In Emergency Coverage
    Uri Paz, Ombudsman, Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation KAN; Hadassah Academic College Jerusalem
הוספה ליומן 2022-11-30 07:30:00 2022-11-30 15:30:00 כנס: כוחו של הרדיו המחלקה לתקשורת בניין 7, אולם 7001 Sapir College info@sapir.ac.il Asia/Jerusalem public
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