Monday | 25/03/2024 | 11:00-12:00 | Hotel David Intercontinental, Dead Sea

Order of screenings:
1. Lior packs a suitcase - Matan Margolin, Shay Kramer, Omer Ofek
2. Ella prepares a potion - Ayala Wolstein, Or Yosef and Eran Gordon
3. Ella takes Lucy for a walk - Mor Finkelstein, Noa Globerman and Neta Keret
4. Gaia plays Sony - Eldar Haliva, Yuval Shetrit
5. Alona cooks for dolls - Alon Atali and Ofir Rotem
6. Tai the hair stylist - Eden Shetrit, Chen Hajaj and David Ohayon
7. Adele makes a work of art - Dolev Dahan
8. Gali puts on make-up with Noga - Ilai Ben Shabbat, Shuval Moshon and Yoni Spector
9. Amelia and Aliya bake a cake - Yasmin Hoffman, Neil Eisen and Sapir Abergel
10. Sarah paints with Leah and Johnny - Adi Raskin Peled and Nava Yakobovitz
11. Gili does tattoos - Shay Zelinger and Noa Baruch

Event for invites only.

סמן ביומן 2024-03-25 09:00:00 2024-03-25 10:00:00 טלוויזיה לקטנטנים מלון דיוויד אינטרקונטיננטל, ים מלח Sapir College Asia/Jerusalem public