Clone of Mobility Funds: Scholarships & Financial Aid

Sapir College's Mission:
To provide students with high quality, equitable and accessible higher education

Sapir's inspiring diversity and inclusivity programs attracts students with a wide range of needs and backgrounds. Many are the first in their families to pursue a college education, with over 60% coming from the Negev, Israel's southern periphery. Reflecting Israel's multicultural society, our students come from diverse localities and backgrounds that include:  Israel's southern, central and northern regions, immigrant families including Ethiopia; Arab and Arab Bedouin communities; about 20% of our students have disabilities. We are also proud of the many IDF veterans who choose to study at Sapir.

קבלת מלגות חברים למען החברה

Sapir's Mobility Fund: Scholarships & Financial Aid

Scholarship applicants come from families in distressed financial situations. The average tuition cost is about $3,000 a year; the College does not have dormitories. Many students cannot afford to pay for their most basic needs such as housing and food as well as tuition fees. Some are the sole providers for their families, in single parent families or supporting their parents and siblings.

The College's Mobility Funds Committee supervises the application process.  Granted on a sliding scale, based on family income and needs, our financial aid programs offers tuition scholarships and living stipends.  This economic assistance enables higher rates of retention, enabling students to graduate.

The College depends on the outstanding generosity of donors
from Israel and overseas to fund student aid programs


The ongoing Coronavirus crisis has made student aid an essential priority. The pandemic has disproportionately impacted Sapir's students, as most have lost their part time jobs, jeopardizing their ongoing attendance and opportunity for a college education.

סטודנטיות לומדות במרכז נגישות

The Dean of Students Office operates two main tracks of Mobility Funds:

  • Community Engagement Scholarships: Sapir's award winning student volunteer platform is active in over 31 projects, serving a wide range of ages, populations and needs throughout the Negev. Participating students receive scholarships based on the hours they commit to volunteering.
  • Socio-Economic Scholarships & Living Stipends: Offers economic assistance to students in the most distressed financial situations. Many applicants have a number of part time jobs to support themselves and their families' basic needs.  

Committed to accessible education, Sapir allocates substantial scholarship funding from its restricted operating budget. However, students' financial needs continue to expand − now more than due to the Corona pandemic − far outstripping our limited resources.

Join us to provide a transformative educational experience
and a brighter future for students, their families and their communities

For More Information and Partnership Options - Please Contact:
Dana Rechtman, Director Resource Development & Public Affairs
Sapir College