Israel 2019 | 82 min |Hebrew | Hebrew and English Subtitles
When retired 68 year-old Meir discovers that his 30 years of planning the annual village celebration have been summarily discarded and the job has been given to inexperienced local teens instead, the ground beneath his feet begins to give way. In his effort to restore a sense of meaning and vitality, Meir begins to rebel against the inevitable: the betrayal of his physical body, the growing distance from his children, and the loss of relevance.
Production: Itay Akirav
Script: Oren Gerner
Filming: Adi Mozes
Editing: Gil Vesely
Actors: Meir Gerner, Maya Gerner, Oren Gerner
Funds & Broadcasters: The Yehoshua Rabinovich Foundation for the Arts, Eshel-JDC Israel
Festivals: TIFF, SSIFF

Africa - Official Trailer