Saturday | 05/11/2022 | 18:30-21:00 | Rahat Cinematheque

We are pleased to resume our "Border Breaking Cinema" activities in Rahat after a four-year interruption since the month of Ramadan coincided with the Festival dates and due to the Corona pandemic restrictions. Cinema South Festival is proud to conduct one of its first events at the beautiful new Rahat Cinematheque recently built for screening movies and staging theater plays.
The film "Cinema Sabaya", Orit Fouks Rotem 2021 will be screened at the event.


סמן ביומן 2022-11-05 16:30:00 2022-11-05 19:00:00 פורץ גבולות - רהט הקרנת הסרט "סינמה סבאיא" סינמטק רהט Sapir College Asia/Jerusalem public