Sunday | 06/11/2022 | 16:00-17:30 | Zeh - Salon
Panelists Louis Black, Seth Ingram, and Michael Dunaway are veterans of creating and running film festivals and making films themselves. This masterclass will be divided into two parts, covering each of those two activities. In Part One, the panelists discuss how to overcome common obstacles and get a quality film made. In Part Two, they discuss how to use film festivals to maximize your film’s success while forging alliances that will help with future projects. The workshop will leave significant time for students to ask questions and engage in a longer conversation.
סמן ביומן
2022-11-06 16:00:00
2022-11-06 17:30:00
פאנל RIFF - תעשיית הקולנוע וותיקי פסטיבלי קולנוע
לואיס בלאק, סת' אינגרם ומייקל דנאוויי
זה - סלון
Sapir College