A tour of the Memorial and Heroes Park
Sderot police commemoration site

Thursday | 14/11/2024 | 16:30-17:30 | 61 Herzl St., Sderot


At the site of the police station in Sderot that was attacked on October 7th, today there is an impressive commemoration and heritage garden in memory of the victims of October 7th and the Iron Swords War.
The site comprises moving elements that tell the story of the city of Sderot and the story of the fallen.

The tour is conducted by the staff of the park and Sderot tourism department. Visitors will hear the story behind the site, and connect to the strong and resounding message of Sderot as the capital of resilience.


The Sderot Police Battle | Eyal Blachsan

Image credit | Eden Omami


סמן ביומן 2024-11-14 16:30:00 2024-11-14 17:30:00 סיור בגן הגבורה והזכרון אתר ההנצחה של משטרת שדרות הרצל 61, שדרות Sapir College info@sapir.ac.il Asia/Jerusalem public