404rd October

 Wednesday | 13.11.2024 | 18:30-20:00 | Cinematheque - Hall 2

A special event will be dedicated to the families of the hostages from the Shaar HaNegev Regional Council: Doron Steinbrecher, Omri Miran, Tzachi Idan, Emily Damari, Gali Berman, Ziv Berman and Keith Segal.

The event will deal with the question of time that has stopped for the families since 6:29 am on October 7, and the necessity of their struggle to keep their loved ones - and the inconceivable fact of their absence - at the top of the public agenda.

We will place this struggle, which was imposed on the families and which they do not have the privilege to stop - every second, every minute, every day, for 404 days - at the center of the event as a guiding question regarding the ways in which each family chooses to advance the private and public war to bring their loved ones home, separately as families and as a community, and we will deal with the social and political complexities that stand in their way.

With the help of the audience, we will ask how the community can help to promote the goal. Through special footage that did not make it into the final film, courtesy of Ronit Ifergan, creator of the film "Paradise Shattered" documenting the struggle waged by the residents of Shaar HaNegev against the state in the years leading up to the disaster of October 7 - we will set the public struggle and its effectiveness against the complex local population and against the state.

Host: Kamila Milner Landskind
Ronit Ifergan - The creator and Director of the Festival's opening film
Yonatan Shimriz - The brother of the late Alon Shimriz and founder of Kumu! foundation
Lishay Miran Lavi - The partner of Omri Miran, which is still a hostage in Gaza since the 7th of October, and the mother of Roni and Alma
Amir Alfassa - The nephew of Avner Goren who was murdered and Maya Goren who were murdered, kidnapped and brought back to burial
Yamit Ashkenazi - the sister of Doron Steinbrecher
Avi Rozenfeld - an activist for the hostages on behalf of Shaar Hanegev Municipality

And representatives of the hostages families

סמן ביומן 2024-11-13 18:30:00 2024-11-13 20:00:00 404 באוקטובר סינמטק - אולם 2 Sapir College info@sapir.ac.il Asia/Jerusalem public