Monday | 25.3 | 20:00-22:30 | Hotel David Intercontinental, Dead Sea

"Operation Grandma - the real story!" is an event / show / lecture / stand-up, including screening of films and slides – 75 minutes of side-splitting laughter and another 15-30 minutes being moved to tears.
Dror Shaul - writer, director, and creator of the cult film "Operation Grandma" (based on the true and unbelievable story of his grandmother's funeral), and "Sweet Mud", the dramatic film that won the Ophir Award and a host of international festivals. Dror did not get into film school, and started out in the film industry thanks to having a truck driver's license – his first film job was cleaning the toilet in the trailer of the star Sally Field, and a few years later he won the grand prize at the most prestigious film festival in the world - Sundance. In his entertaining way, Dror sweeps the audience through a series of funny and inspiring stories that lead in the end to the message that doesn't matter what tragedy you were born into - "I am a realist and therefore I believe in miracles" is a sentence that contains an insight that creates reality.

***Afterwards, there will be a screening of the full movie.

סמן ביומן 2024-03-25 18:00:00 2024-03-25 20:30:00 מבצע סבתא - הסיפור האמיתי! מלון דיוויד אינטרקונטיננטל, ים המלח Sapir College Asia/Jerusalem public