Saturday | 09/03/2024 | 17:00-19:00 | Hostages and Missing Families Forum 

13 Leonardo da Vinci St, Tel Aviv-Jaffa | Auditorium - Second Basement

The Cinema South Festival has always been, and still is, interwoven with strong and extensive ties with the residents of Sderot, the kibbutzim of Shaar HaNegev and Eshkol regional councils, and the towns of the Western Negev. The staff of the festival and of the School of Audio and Visual Arts at Sapir is mostly made up of local residents, and has suffered many losses in the near and far human circles. We see the travelling festival as a significant tool for raising awareness to the importance of the return of all the hostages, and are grateful for the privilege of cooperating with the  Hostages and Missing Families Forum for this purpose. Mediterranean Fever - Michal Lavi's final film from 2008, describes in a shocking and almost prophetic way the reality of life in Sderot in recent decades, a path that has led us slowly but surely to these difficult days. The screening will be held for an audience of the families of the hostages and the faculty of Sapir College, and will be attended by the creator and her sister Lishay Lavi - a beloved faculty member at the college and one of the protagonists of the film, whose partner Omri Miran was kidnapped on the morning of October 7 to Gaza, taken from her and their two young daughters.
After the screening, we will go together to a rally in Hostages Square.

סמן ביומן 2024-03-09 15:00:00 2024-03-09 17:00:00 קדחת ים תיכונית מטה משפחות החטופים, לאונרדו דה וינצ'י 13, תל-אביב Sapir College Asia/Jerusalem public