As of this writing, thousands of rockets and other projectiles have been fired at Israeli communities from Gaza and -- as usual -- residents of the Gaza envelope are on the front lines. Hundreds of rockets have landed in and around Sapir Academic College, and the nearby town of Sderot has suffered numerous direct hits – one of which took the life of five years old Ido Avigal. Another rocket landed across the road from the front gate of the College. Located just 2.5 kilometers from the border, Sapir Academic College has operated in the shadow of military conflict for over 20 years.  Our students and faculty have faced rockets and mortar fire, attack tunnels, and incendiary balloons along with the towns and agricultural communities of this long suffering border region.  But despite it all, we have grown, year in and year out, along with the surrounding communities.  Sapir is the largest public college in the State of Israel.  We are a key employer, a social anchor and a source of pride and social resilience for the people of this Western Negev as a whole.  By military order, Sapir has been closed since May 11th.  But we will reopen, and students will once again fill our campus, our library, and our lecture halls.  Come what may, Sapir will continue to symbolize the determination of the residents of the Negev to overcome, building their lives and their communities in peace and prosperity. 

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לאה שלף
Tens of thousands of Israeli soldiers have seen combat in the Gaza Strip since last October, but not all of them leave the war behind when they come back home. Many suffer combat and operational stress, reactions that could lead to PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and even suicide. Now, cutting edge research by Dr. Leah Shelef, Dean of the School of Social Work at Sapir College, is seeking the most effective way to treat – and prevent – these dangerous outcomes.
While Israel considers how to revitalize the devastated communities of Hevel Tkuma / Gaza Envelope, Sapir Academic College has just taken the first step. Sapir, the academic nerve center of the entire Western Negev, will devote most of its NIS 200 million in government rehabilitation funding to scholarships, enabling more students from diverse backgrounds to study in the region. Its flagship initiative will be free tuition for all first-year students.