It was a crowning moment when 89 outstanding students at Sapir College received merit scholarships for academic excellence, 79 of them with great distinction and ten with the highest distinction. The fact that many of them hail from underserved communities in Israel’s social and geographic periphery only made it sweeter and more poignant.

Liat Aleemo, a student at Sapir’s Cultural Studies program, explained how academic achievement is intimately connected to her own personal growth. “The opportunity to study theory at Sapir helped me frame my own experience in a broader social context. As a black woman, a Jew and a member of the Ethiopian community, I learned that we must critically examine social structures to overcome the innumerable obstacles blocking our way. It’s been a truly empowering experience.”

Prof. Nir Kedar, Sapir’s President, praised the students for their effort, determination and personal resilience. “In my view, excellence requires independent thought, curiosity, the courage to challenge ourselves and the willingness to take risks in the pursuit of deeper meaning. You have made us proud today. I know we will continue to take pride in your achievements in the years ahead.”

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