Honorable President (retired) of the Supreme Court, Justice Esther Hayut will teach a unique workshop on "Law and the Holocaust" at Sapir Law School.

Sapir's Law School is proud to announce that the Honorable President (retired) of the Supreme Court Justice Esther Hayut will teach a unique workshop on "Law and the Holocaust" in the next academic year (2025) at Sapir Law School.

Honorable President Hayut began her judicial career in 1990 as a judge of the Magistrate's Court in Tel Aviv. In 1997 she was appointed to the District Court, and in 2004 she was appointed as a judge in the Supreme Court. Judge Hayut served as chairwoman of the Central Elections Committee and chairwoman of the Judges' Ethics Committee, and in 2017 was appointed to serve as president of the Supreme Court until she retired from the judiciary in 2023.

Dr. Edo Eshet, Dean of the Law School: "Sapir College's Law School is very honored by the decision of the Honorable President (retired) Hayut to teach at the school. I am convinced it will be an amazing opportunity for our students who participate in Justice Hayut's workshop.''

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