All News
07/25/2022 - 10:28
On the Front Line of Cyber Defense
Wars are still fought with tanks and artillery, but today’s conflicts increasingly take place on the virtual battlefield. The IDF’s elite C4I Unit is Israel’s front line of defense against hostile cyber-attacks on critical national infrastructures, from civilian water supplies to military command and control systems. Now, Sapir College has joined forces with the IDF to train a reserve of highly motivated young people from the Negev, willing and able to defend their country on tomorrow’s battlefield. -
07/10/2022 - 14:39
Sustainable Finance
The Sapir team for the Erasmus+ IFI Innovative Finance Inclusion project: Dr. Dan Kaufman, CPA Amiad Gurewitz, Dr, Amit Marantz Gal, attended a meeting at EFMD Global, Brussels. The meeting was dedicated to learning about sustainable finance from the perspective of EU regulation, and development of Sustainability Literacy worldwide. -
07/03/2022 - 13:14
International Workshop co-hosted by Sapir College and the Hebrew University
Sapir is leading the way to understanding the geopolitical impact on regional architecture. The College together with Hebrew University of Jerusalem recently hosted a 3-day international workshop, titled: Networking the MENA (Middle East and North Africa): Interregional Architectural Transfers in Times of Global Transformation Convened and organized by Dr. Inbal Ben-Asher Gitler, faculty member of Sapir’s Communications and Culture, Creation and Production Departments, together with Dr. Tawfiq Da’adli, faculty member of Hebrew University’s Art History Department. -
06/23/2022 - 10:01
New College President
Sapir Announces New College President: Professor Nir Kedar After a careful search process and unanimous approval by the Board of Governors, Sapir Academic College is proud to announce that Prof. Nir Kedar will serve as its next President. Kedar succeeds Prof. Shai Feldman, who asked to step down after having served in that capacity for three years. Prof. -
06/22/2022 - 11:38
Prisoners Tell of Selfless Courage
Rarely is a partnership so unlikely. Sapir Academic College and the Ghetto Fighter’s (Lohamei HaGeta’ot) Kibbutz have joined forces with inmates from the Ayalon Prison to honor the lives of Righteous Gentiles who saved Jews during the Holocaust. It’s a project of Radio Focus, a groundbreaking, inmate rehabilitation initiative of the Israel Prison Service in cooperation with Sapir’s Communications Department. At Radio Focus, inmates serve as writers, editors, radio hosts and announcers. -
06/19/2022 - 11:19
A Bridge to the Global Jewish Family
Sapir Academic College is proud to host a chapter of Hillel, the largest Jewish campus organization in the world, active at colleges and universities in 17 countries. At a time of religious polarization in Israel, Hillel enables students to deepen their Jewish identity - each in their own way - while connecting with other Jews around the world. A recent visit by the executive director of San Diego Hillel highlighted this global connection. Karen Parry serves over 2,000 Jewish students on four college campuses in southern California. -
06/15/2022 - 14:23
Academia’s Glass Ceiling
More than just schools, Israel’s regional colleges are part of an ambitious effort to change society itself. Located in the country’s geographic periphery, institutions like Sapir were deliberately set up to promote social mobility, making higher education accessible to people from underserved communities and excluded social groups. Is it working? A new book by three of Sapir’s leading educators paints a complex picture. Diversifying the Ivory Tower, edited by Drs. Motti Gigi, Sigal Nagar Ron and Tami Razi has started to address this issue.