Sapir Academic College is proud to host a chapter of Hillel, the largest Jewish campus organization in the world, active at colleges and universities in 17 countries.

At a time of religious polarization in Israel, Hillel enables students to deepen their Jewish identity - each in their own way - while connecting with other Jews around the world. A recent visit by the executive director of San Diego Hillel highlighted this global connection. Karen Parry serves over 2,000 Jewish students on four college campuses in southern California. She came to Sapir last Thursday as part of the Gesher program, an initiative of the San Diego Jewish community partnership with the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council, where Sapir is located. Gesher means “bridge” in Hebrew. At Sapir, Parry visited the campus Hillel Center and discussed social activism with local students. Together with Sapir Hillel Director Mai Brown, Israel Hillel Director Noga Brenner Samia and Alon Gayer, Dean of Students at Sapir, Parry focused on Hillel’s key mission: building a bridge between young Jews around the globe.

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