Pre-Academic Preparatory Programs

Kamila Milner Landskind

New Helmsley Mechina Complex

In November 2022, Sapir College inaugurated the new Helmsley Mechina Complex, in the presence of Mr. Sandy Frankel, trustee of The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust and his wife Ruth. The Helmsley Mechina Complex is the first building to greet visitors on entry to the campus via its main entrance, ‘Sha’ar Academia’ (Academia Gate).  This project included the renovation of the old two-story 760 sqm Mechina Building; and the construction of the two-story 540 sqm new classroom wing; as well as a two-story 140 sqm new student services wing.  The new Helmsley Mechina Complex is an inclusive, welcoming and protected space. It offers state-of-the-art equipment, accessibility, connectivity and safe classrooms.

Attn Gilead Sher, Chair of Sapir’s Executive Board, welcomed the Frankels, thanked them for their partnership and commitment to the College’s students, he said: “The Mechina was created in partnership with Ministries of Education and Defense, and the IDF Soldiers Relief Fund. Over the past four decades, thousands of Mechina alumni have advanced to high-level education. Thanks to you, we can offer the best in student experiences.” Professor Nir Kedar, said: “Look at the miraculous success of Israel, its society and economy.  The new Helmsley Mechina Complex will enable us to offer our students, most of whom come from the periphery, a gateway to participate in Israel’s miracle!”

Helmsley Mechina Complex Building

New Helmsley Mechina Complex
unveiling the new Helmsley Mechina Complex sign
unveiling the new Helmsley Mechina Complex sign

The Frankels together with Ms. Orna Gigi, CEO; Attn Gilead Sher, Chair of the Board of Directors; Professor Nir Kedar, President, unveiled the new Helmsley Mechina Complex sign.

Mechina Pre-Academy Programs, include:

Mechina Programs for Humanities and Sciences: Two tracks that provide preparation for college education. Successful participants gain a "Mechina Certificate", as an alternative to the matriculation certificate (Bagrut), accepted by Sapir and other public colleges.

Pre-Academy Program for Arab-Bedouin Students: This track focuses on bridging the gaps that many of the College’s Arab-Bedouin students experience in Hebrew, math, and English proficiency. 

Shahaf (Seagull) Program: A unique pre-academic program for IDF veterans from the Arab-Bedouin Community.

Mechina for 30+:  Offers an opportunity for mature students to advance to higher education. 

High School Equivalency Certificate: Provides students with a "Gmar" (completion) diploma, the Israeli equivalent to a GED. One track is the ‘MiSheli’ program, which offers local at-risk young women specialized GED training, providing a pathway to pursue better jobs and training courses. 

Introductions to Mathematics: Preparatory math courses for the College’s Logistics, Industrial Management, Technological Marketing, Human Resource Management and Public Administration & Policy Departments.

Technology and Computer Support Course: This new course offers students the knowledge and assistance required to access and utilize online resources.

English Language Courses: Admissions to Israeli higher education and vocational programs require a basic level of English. These courses offer pre-academic and vocational English instruction, enabling participants to register for higher and further education tracks. 

Student Resources and Counseling Center: Established in association with Israel's National Insurance Institute, it designs solutions for Mechina participants that have disabilities and/or learning disorders. In addition, it provides specialized programs for students that Hebrew is not their first language.