The Last Klezmers - Studio Darom Participants 2024


Over the course of one night, shortly after WWI, four klezmers wander between a "black wedding" in an ancient Jewish cemetery and a gig in a local roadhouse, playing for pennies and some food. Their destination is a rich Jewish wedding, from where they can safely continue to New York, to start from scratch. When a Jewish actress, fleeing from a violent pimp, joins them, the dynamics within the band change. By sunrise, they will go through a tumultuous journey in the polish woods, filled with music, adventures, and nocturnal encounters, at the end of which they will part ways, for good.

שירי נבו פרידנטל

 Shiri Nevo Fridental | Director

A director and screenwriter. After several years as a criminal lawyer, mainly as a prosecutor, Shiri attended the film department of “Minshar” art school. Her final short film was “The Prosecution” which developed to be her debut feature film “All I Can Do”. The film premiered at the 2022 Jerusalem film festival and was distributed in Israel, USA and Canada. At the moment, Shiri is working on several projects, both for television and film, and will take part at the new edition of the Sam Spiegel lab for tv series. Shiri is also a lecturer at “Minshar” film department.

לב אורלוב

Lev Orlov | Producer

Lev Orlov is an independent film producer based in Tel Aviv and head of Lev Orlov Films. A graduate of the Innovative Producing Studies at Sam Spiegel Film School, he produced award-winning short films that have featured in festivals worldwide.

Currently, Lev focuses on producing fiction, documentary, and animation films with promising young Israeli and Palestinian filmmakers. Among his current projects are “Many Shapes,” an Israeli-French-UK animation short film directed by Doreen Schwartzman (in production), "Pictures of Her" an Israeli-French short film directed by Bar Cohen (post-production) and “Clouds of Dust,” an Israeli-French-Colombian feature film directed by Inbar Horesh (pre production).