You Better Shut Up

Israel | 2025 | 23 Min. | Hebrew | TV Pilot

Within the hospital walls, a single mother and her eldest son, processing the information about the fetal head injury, due to shut gun, of the youngest son in the family. Son’s mate, while arrive, trying to find some hope, while the mother realize that her new family name will be bereaved.

Production: Zvi David
Script writer: Nofar Bohadana Granot
Cinematography: Assaf Cohen
Editor: Oshri Getreuer
Art Director: Lee gross
Sound Design & Original Score: Sarai Hajbi and Matan Margolin
Cast: Cheli Goldenberg, Yiftach Zitzer, Neomi Yaish, Ben Ousilio, Reut Regev, Di Katz Shachar
Supported by: The Yehoshua Rabinovich Foundation for the Arts

You Better Shut Up - The Official Trailer

Upcoming Screenings

Monday | 11.11.2024 | 10:00-11:30

Cinematheque - Hall 1