Esteemed Writer-Producer-director Roberto Minervini was born in Italy in 1970 and nowadays resides in the USA. 
Minervini, who’s elaborate body of work also includes four short films, graduated from Media Studies at New School, New York, and is now working on his PHD in Film History. 
In his films, Minervini walks the fine line between documentary filmmaking and minimalist Fiction Aesthetics, utilizing a hand-held camera, natural light and mostly actors who play themselves – to deconstruct universal issues such as religion, family, coming-of-age and values. 

Minervini has been filming the USA for years, following a fascinating ensemble of characters that live on the margins of society, characters who continue to vibrate in the viewer’s mind long after his films have ended. He films his protagonists with poetic, fierce qualities, illuminating pressing social issues in the American “back yard”. 
His feature-length films have been awarded prizes globally and have been screened, among other festivals, in Rotterdam Film Festival and Cannes Film Festival.







As part of the Focus there will be a Master Class