Sapir Academic College is located about 2 miles (3.5 kilometers) from the Gaza border. To date, 1,000 students, both men and women, were drafted to active reserve duty (miluim). Sapir is launching a Reserve Soldiers (Miluim) Fund, to create a safety net for these special soldiers, who left everything behind to keep us safe.  After the battle, this Fund will offer the reservist: the peace of mind needed to get their lives back on track and concentrate on their studies, so that they can build their futures and help rejuvenate the Western Negev- Otef Yisrael and the whole country.

Sapir Academic College is the only Israeli academic institution in Otef Yisrael (Gaza envelope). Considering its unique location and the security threats it faces, Sapir Academic College is nothing short of a miracle. The College’s students come from all over the country, to make their homes in Sderot and the surrounding Gaza border communities.

On October 7, the Sapir community suffered unbearable horror. Students, graduates, administrative and academic staff and their families were murdered in the Hamas terrorist attack. 

Out of this terrible trauma, we seek to strengthen our student reserve soldiers. Help us guard the guardians! 

With your support, Sapir seeks to give these 1,000 reservist students, who are serving in the Iron Swords war, a grant that will offer them economic resiliency, on return to their civilian life.

Thanks to the Sapir community members who serve in the reserves together with your generous help, Sapir Academic College will continue to be a growth engine for the revitalization and rejuvenation of Otef Israel (Gaza envelope) in a wide range of fields: economics, social action, mental health, academics, etc.

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“Goodness and light will overcome darkness”!
(quote from Ofir Libstein, Head of the Shaar Hanegev Local Authority and Sapir Board member, murdered defending his kibbutz on Oct 7)  

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לאה שלף
Tens of thousands of Israeli soldiers have seen combat in the Gaza Strip since last October, but not all of them leave the war behind when they come back home. Many suffer combat and operational stress, reactions that could lead to PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and even suicide. Now, cutting edge research by Dr. Leah Shelef, Dean of the School of Social Work at Sapir College, is seeking the most effective way to treat – and prevent – these dangerous outcomes.
While Israel considers how to revitalize the devastated communities of Hevel Tkuma / Gaza Envelope, Sapir Academic College has just taken the first step. Sapir, the academic nerve center of the entire Western Negev, will devote most of its NIS 200 million in government rehabilitation funding to scholarships, enabling more students from diverse backgrounds to study in the region. Its flagship initiative will be free tuition for all first-year students.