They think out of the box, they’re creative and they’re making the world a better place.

Participants of the Crown Family Social Entrepreneurship Program combine technology and social activism to devise fresh solutions to emerging challenges.  Now, two teams have been awarded grants to operationalize their projects.

לונה פלזנס ותמיר זהבי

Out of Mind, a new RPG video game, helps gamers understand people who struggle with mental disorders. Ella Luna Pleasance and Tamir Zahavi, graduates of Sapir’s Computer Science program, received NIS 25,000 to develop a full version of the game.

תומר לוי

Tomer Levy’s Multieye application, an AI based initiative to crowdsource information on road hazards and alert relevant authorities, will get NIS 5,000 together with development assistance.  Levy, a Sapir graduate in Industrial Management, is now collaborating with Israel’s National Transport Infrastructure Company on what could be a breakthrough in highway safety.  The Crown program is based at the College’s Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, which uses innovative, customized, interdisciplinary teaching methods to help students transform their ideas into entrepreneurial ventures.

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לאה שלף
Tens of thousands of Israeli soldiers have seen combat in the Gaza Strip since last October, but not all of them leave the war behind when they come back home. Many suffer combat and operational stress, reactions that could lead to PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and even suicide. Now, cutting edge research by Dr. Leah Shelef, Dean of the School of Social Work at Sapir College, is seeking the most effective way to treat – and prevent – these dangerous outcomes.
While Israel considers how to revitalize the devastated communities of Hevel Tkuma / Gaza Envelope, Sapir Academic College has just taken the first step. Sapir, the academic nerve center of the entire Western Negev, will devote most of its NIS 200 million in government rehabilitation funding to scholarships, enabling more students from diverse backgrounds to study in the region. Its flagship initiative will be free tuition for all first-year students.