The Israel Academy of Film and Television has awarded a prestigious prize to Sapir faculty member Shlomi Alkabetz for his documentary Black Notebooks, a poignant tribute to Alkabetz’ late sister, the talented actress screenwriter and director Ronit Alkabetz.The Ophir Prize, commonly known as the Israeli Oscars, is a standard of excellence for the country’s film industry. Alkabetz is a senior lecturer at Sapir’s School of Audio and Visual Arts. His colleague at Sapir, Avi Mizrachi, also took an Ophir for designing the soundtrack to Karaoke, a much-celebrated drama starring leading Israeli actors Sasson Gabay and Lior Ashkenazi.  Mizrachi has previously won Ophirs for soundtracks to The Cakemaker and The Electrifiers.

שלומי אלקבץ
Shlomi Alkabetz
אבי מזרחי
Avi Mizrachi

Prof. Sami Shalom Chetrit, Dean of Sapir’s School of Audio and Visual Arts, says the prizes are both tributes to these talented artists and a symbol of the school’s mission.  “Sapir is literally an incubator for talent, where aspiring students work closely with Israel’s leading artists and practitioners. Our unique ecosystem is producing the next generation of producers and directors for Israel’s emerging film industry.”

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