
Dr. Moshe Zofi
Chair, Logistics Department
email: zofi@sapir.ac.il
Sapir's Logistics degree program offers students a competitive edge, through multidisciplinary studies in engineering, economics, IT systems and optimization methods, together with a service-oriented approach and management expertise that serve complex systems. Students gain logistics methodologies in a wide variety of corporate divisions including operations, management and strategic planning.
Student Internships
The Next Thing - From Education to Employment: Students who are accepted into the project work for as an intern, mentored by one of the staff of the organization who recruited them. These internships offer professional experience useful for future jobs. Concurrently with their work as interns, students enroll in a 2-year course, meet with a career counselor, learn how to write a resume, how to interview for jobs, how to deal with workplace crises and more.
The Final Project
In the third and final year of studies, students must complete a Final Project. Sapir's Final Project Unit collaborates with local industries to ensure students gain best practice skills with hands-on work experience. Supervised by expert mentors, students tackle designated actual and current logistics problems, develop research methods and design evidence-based solutions.
Alumni Careers
Graduates are equipped with skills for logistics and systems management careers in industries and corporations, international trading companies, storage, purchasing and distribution services.
A recent survey of graduates from the last five years demonstrates that, alumni quickly find logistic and systems management jobs. About 40% of our alumni are commissioned and noncommissioned IDF officers. On graduation, they fill a variety of command positions in combat support systems.